i got my hair did and blog layout update!

I did a home dye job. It doesn't look all that bad. I had a traumatic experience recently at a salon where they refused to lighten my hair because they said I look like a "low maintenance woman" and blond hair requires upkeep......

So, I am throuroughly happy with the current state of my hair. YAY ME!

I do want to go lighter, as a part of my "List of 25 Things I Want to Accomplish Before I am 25".

Oh, and in case you missed it, I have revamped my blog! New background and banner and links and a button for you to put on your own blog! Let me know if you use the button!

I also made a new banner for my Gingiber Etsy shop to fit in with my "re-branding". I like it! It is more cohesive, and recently I have been feeling like simpler is better. What do you think?
I am spending my day with my family. Violet has become very territorial recently, only wanting to spend time with her momma. That's just fine with me!

How are you spending your Sunday?

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